Basic rules:
- Admin should respect other players.
- Don’t insult others, just give a simple warning.
- You should be on server at least once a week.
- Always type a reason when you are banning.
- Permanent bans are used only when someone is cheating.
- Don’t try to ban yourself. Yes it really works!
- Admin rights are granted for all of our servers.
- If something is not working, server has crashed or similar problems have appeared just inform me as soon as possible so I can fix it. (kmk)
AMX Mod X commands:
- amxmodmenu – shows admin menu
- amx_map name – changes to defined map
- amx_votemap map1 map2 map3 – starts voting for chosen maps
- amx_kick “part_of_name” “reason” – kicks player from server (you can just use part of name), always give a reason
- amx_slap “part_of_name” “hp” – slaps player with given HP
- amx_nick “part_of_name” “new name” – changes name of player
- amx_showloc – shows countries of players
- amx_who – shows who has admin rights
- amx_banlist – shows banned players
- amx_unban “STEAM_0:1:254793” – unbans player
How to deal with cheaters:
- I’m suspecting someone of cheating
- type spectate into console; jump swithes modes, fire switches players
- use first person mod and record demo with record name_of_demo (use command stop to end demo)
- if you are completely sure ban player with amx_ban “name” “time in minutes” “reason” (0 means permanent ban) or with amxmodmenu (doesn’t work right now, use console command)
- demo must prove that player is really cheater
- pack demo with rar, zip or 7z and upload it to, filename will be cheater’s name
Admin team:
- kmk
- TbhoB
- Pan Tau
- Majkl
- stk
- Vereor
- Slipknot
- sinth
- LeBaux
- Bad_Connect
- Hitokiri